Saturday, November 1, 2014

Is Satan Real? Powerful Testimony!

John Ramirez 3rd Ranked High Priest of Santeria Testimony

Friday, September 12, 2014

Prayer/Decree For Healing

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My child, share these words with those that have ears to hear. Please, My children, pray for one another. Pray that your brethren will be set free from attacks of the evil one. Pray for the broken hearts to be healed and pray for the lost. My children need to band together and pray. This is the most powerful tool in these final days. Do not become discouraged, My children. Humble your hearts and seek your Creator. I created and love each of your hearts. I have a separate plan for each one of you. I have given you the tools, within yourself, to fulfill My plan for your life. Some of you don't even know you have the abilities and talents I've given you. You do not dig deep enough to find them. You are waiting for Me to unlock them for you. I cannot. A baby child learning how to walk can only set forth to take his first steps under his own desire and will. This is how you must pursue Me. If you have the will and desire I will lead you. I can even give you advice and encouragement but I cannot take the steps for you. Many start walking forward in Me and stumble. This will surely happen and when it does, like a doting parent, I will lift you up. But it is your responsibility to keep walking. When you walk in faith that I AM right there with you, in case you fall, that makes taking steps much easier. Be encouraged My children, because wherever you are on your journey to Me, I AM right beside you and will never let you go. For My children who have fallen so far off the path, don't ever be too ashamed to turn back to your Creator. The truth is that there is sin in your world and many of My children have succumbed to the temptations. But it does not change the fact that I AM your Creator, your true Father and that you can always return to your true home in Me. My love will never change. No matter what you have done or will do I love you and it grieves My heart heavily when My children are so engulfed in shame and darkness that they cannot see My mercy, grace and love. Return to Me now My lost sheep. My love flows from the deepest well ever created and is never ending. If you turn to Me and receive My love you will change and you will never regret it. You do not belong to this world. That's why no matter where you go or what you do you will never feel satisfied. Discontentment will always set in. You will never find the soft place to land unless you return to your Creator. See your need for Me, My lost sheep. Recognize your need and accept My simple gift of salvation. It is a free gift that you can do nothing to earn. I AM a willing Father, willing to let My lost sons and daughters come back from wherever they have been...also willing to pick up My children whenever they fall so that they can find and use the hidden treasures I've provided for them as they continue their journey closer to Me...their life's journey towards the center of MY heart.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Whole Life Ministries 30th Anniversary Celebration February 23, 2014

 Please Join Us 

Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. as we  celebrate our 30th anniversary!

This will be a glorious time of rejoicing and praising God for all He has done!  This celebration service will be a testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of God.  Please invite your friends.  We expect a wonderful visitation from will not want to miss it!  If you know of anyone who has had a special connection with the church over the years, please ask them to join our 30 year celebration. 

If you are unable to join us,